Wednesday, 10 September 2014 13:58 Written by

This will cost you!

There are a few sure-fire ways to increase the fabrication costs of your custom-designed chip.  In order to minimize these fabrication costs, take a look at the following suggestions:

  • Make sure you provide us with technical drawings that are error-free. We are happy to provide you with some initial feedback based on a simple hand-sketch of your custom chip, but when it comes time to fabricate the real “McCoy”, we do need a quality error-free engineering drawing.
  • Check your units. Twice.
  • Try NOT to over specify the fabrication tolerances (i.e. the maximum permitted variations) associated with your engineering design. It is important that you show the critical dimensions and specify what deviations are acceptable, but don’t go overboard. The more critical dimensions that are in your design, the higher the fabrication costs.
  • Try NOT to change your design after giving us the go-ahead to start fabricating your piece. We will charge you for any work performed, prior to any subsequent stop order or design correction.
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